Tuesday 21 February 2017

How to make a video presentation. Kizoa

Hi everyone!

I have made a video presentation about my partner Raúl Oviedo to show you a different way to present yourselves to the children.
This is only an example, but you can make it easy for them to know your name and something about the subject.
To make the video, I have used an application called Kizoa, so easy to use, and Audio joiner that is another application to modify the audios. Finally, I have upload it to YouTube. You can see here the result.

I have interviewed to my peer Raul, a 24 years old P.E. teacher. He is from Fuenlabrada and he is, actually, studying a Master's degree in bilingual education.

Those are the steps that I have followed to do it:
Step 1: Choose someone to interview or make your own presentation.
Step 2: Think if you are going to make it by audios and photos, like us, or if you prefer to make a video.
Step 3: Interview that person, you can make a short presentation before the questions. Write your questions and answers on a paper before recording your voice, in order to make it easy. You can also make more questions if you want, it depends on what the person is telling you.
- Questions:
  • What do you usually do in your free time?
  • What would yo like to be if you weren't a teacher and why?
  • What are your future plans on your educational career?
  • What are your expectations on this ICT course?
Step 4: Record the interview (audio or video file). You can use your mobile device for that or a computer.
Step 5: Take a picture of you or the person you are going to interview if you are going to make an audio presentation.
Step 6: Publish the recording on an online service (I have published it on YouTube).

What have I learned with this resource?
I have never made something like interview a partner, so, before make it, I was thinking about what can I ask him and what questions would he like to answer?
We have fun doing the activity and we laughed a lot with each mistake when we were recording the audios. But finally, I like the results and definitely, I plan to use this resource in my future clases.

You can also see my partner's work on his blog:

If you have any doubt or you have tried it, leave a comment. I hope you like this resource.

Who am I?

Hi everyone!

I am Zahara María Serrano, I live in a little village at the southeast of Madrid. I am an English Primary teacher and actually, I am studying a Master's degree in bilingual education at URJC here in Madrid.
I have created this blog to show you some resources that you can use at the science subject, in order to make the lessons understandable and more dynamic for the children.

I hope it will be useful and you like it.