Thursday 13 April 2017

Designing a visual metaphor for my Collaborative Educational Project.

Hi everyone!

Today I am going to show you an online visual metaphor of how I am going to turn my Open Educational Digital Project into a collaborative one. I have chosen collaboration within the classroom through cooperative learning, that is, the children have to collaborate between them to learn new things through an activity.
I have used a new tool called Pixton to make the visual metaphor, and here you have the final result.

This new tool is similar to StoryboardThat that I explain in the previous post, this one is a bit more complicated, but you have more freedom to move the characters and express their feelings, that is what I like the most.

What have I learnt with this resource?
I knew this tool from my degree and I like it so much because I can move the character and put it in the position that I want, that allows me to express better what I want to say with the character (how they feel, what are they doing and so on).
Something that I have learnt wihle doing this visual metaphor, is that there are different ways to make an Open Digital Educational Project into a collaborative one. For instance we have:
- Collaboration within the classroom through cooperative learning (I have chosen this one).
- Collaboration out of the classroom, connecting with other classes, other communities, with the real world.
- Collaboration back to the classroom, involving external agents in the learning process so as our classes become a real learning community.

I found this information in my URJC's Aula Virtual.

In my opinion, the easiests is the first one, but collaboration back to the classroom could be interesting to try, so maybe I use it on my lessons. I also think that, doing an Educational Project can be very beneficial, not only for our students, but also for ourselves, since socializing with other people and learning from their ideas is important today. We can learn a lot from other classmates, from other classes and even from other schools, so I encourage you to do Collaborative Educational Projects.

If you have any doubt or you have tried it, leave a comment. I hope you like this new tool and find it useful.

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